Friendship Day is the time to appreciate and pay a tribute to that wonderful person called the friend without whom we can never make do with this world. Great men and women all over the world have, from time to time, understood the importance of having friends and the power of the beautiful relation called friendship. And so they have praised their own friends; pondered over the greatness of friendship and commented on what goes on to make an ideal friend in glorious verses and pithy sayings. Here we bring to you a handful of quotes from some of their most memorable sayings on friends and friendship. Scroll down and go over our grand collection of Friendship Day quotes that range from the funny to the reflective. You can also use these quotes about friends and friendship in your cards, gifts and crafts for Friendship Day! If that is not your way, you can just click here and directly send this page to your pals (or any person you want). Imbibe the spirit of Friendship Day with these thoughtful Friendship Day quotes. Happy Friendship Day to you and all your friends!

sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010

It is still snowing

Hey friends, i wanna let you know how happy I am because it is still snowing outside. the view is tremendosly nice, everything is white and shiny, i feel so good and my familly is very happy and togheter. I gad a good feeling today about the holidays and to be honest I can`t wait until the holidays. For joy and happines I will always love winter time.

Got to go to sleep, talk to you tomorrow.

Lets have some fun today

I was thinking how great is today. Have you seen how nice is snowing outside? Everything is shiny, my neighbours are very happy, we are all happy, as this is the first snow for this year.

I stopped by here to let you know if you want to have some fun today, just let me know...bye

vineri, 3 decembrie 2010

Some funny qoutes of friendship

A sad story

As i was thinking of finding a way to create my private social network of friends, i decided to tell you a sad story of mine, so this way i will get close to all my friends that are following my blog.

Today i was very amazed to find out that a very good friend of mine had an car accident and now he is in hospital, with some scratches and in shock. I was very upset when i was told that he was drinking before the accident. The police is checking every detail in this matter, and i think he won`t get away that easy, and i have learned that, even if he is a good friend of mine, he deserves this kind of treatment, because he done it his way!

Sorry about my friend Scott, hope he will get better soon!

joi, 2 decembrie 2010

Alumni & Friends

The tradition of Friends University is more than a building or diploma. It's a community built on faith, strength, history and commitment. It's an experience that has been shared by more than 19,000 former students since 1898.

As an alumni, friend or benefactor of Friends University, you are integral to the construction of that rich tradition. Today, you have the opportunity to strengthen that legacy for future Friends University students.

The Alumni & Friends section of our Web site is about connections. Whether you want to reconnect with other former friends or learn about how you can pave the way for future Falcons, you'll find it on these pages:

Famous Quotations

"If my friends could see me now!"
"Feste. The better for my foes and the worse for my frie..."
"My true friends have always given me that supreme proof..."
"In looking back over the college careers of those who f..."
"For though we love both the truth and our friends, piet..."

Word Origin & History

O.E. freond , prp. of freogan  "to love, to favor," from P.Gmc. *frijojanan  "to love" (cf. O.N. frændi , O.Fris. friund , M.H.G. friunt , Ger. Freund , Goth. frijonds  "friend," all alike from prp. forms). Related to O.E. freo  "free." Meaning "a Quaker" (a member of the Society of Friends ) is from 1670s. Feond  ("fiend," originally "enemy") and freond  often were paired alliteratively in O.E.; both are masculine agent nouns derived from prp. of verbs, but are not directly related to one another. Related: Friends . As a verb, in the Facebook sense, attested from 2005.

Friends University

Friends University offers education across the state of Kansas. The Lenexa site gives adult learners in the Kansas City area opportunities to further their education. Classes meet one night a week to help balance personal and work responsibilities with higher education.

The Lenexa site specializes in education that is focused and career relevant, offering a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Management, Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems, Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management and Leadership, Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Law, Master of Health Care Leadership and Master of Science in Family Therapy.

Feel free to ask me questions

Hello again my friends,

I wanna let you know that you can ask me questions as many as you like, doesn`t matter how late is :P

Welcome Note

Hello everybody,

I want to welcome you on my private blog where you can see all of my friends that are connected and online.